Best Adhesives & Sealants | Supex

Supex 2K-4039 PU Structural Adhesive


Two component Structural Adhesive

Supex 2K 4039  is a solvent-free two-component polyurethane structural adhesive, the main agent is a polyol mixture, and the curing agent is a polymeric MDI.


Suitable for the bonding of refrigerated carriages, building exterior wall integrated board, honeycomb board, outdoor sunshine board and other boards.

Technical specifications


Part A

Part B


Grey white Viscous Lquid

Dark brown liquid


4 - 7


Density ( g/ cm3)



Rotational viscosity(mPa·s)



Foaming rate @ 25 C

No foaming

No foaming

Mixing ratio ( PBW)



Mixture of Supex 5104+ 5500


Grey Viscous colour

Rotational Viscosity ( mPas) 25C

6500 - 11000

Operational time ( minutes) 25 C


Dosage ( g/ M2)

200 - 400

Initial bonding time ( Hrs) 25 C

4- 6

Full curing time (days)


  Tensile shear strength(MPa)

≥10.2 (Steel plate glued to Steel plate)

Plane tensile strength(MPa)

≥3.9 (Steel plate glued to steel plate)

Structural Adhesive: 2 part PU glue

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Storage: Moisture will have a negative impact on the curing process and final strength, and the main agent and curing agent must be protected from moisture. The recommended storage temperature is 10-30°C.Avoid direct sunlight, high temperature and frost. Under the specified conditions, the storage period in the original sealed container is 6 months.

Instructions: Before using this product, make sure that the surface of the substrate to be bonded is clean, dry, free of dust and any grease. Mix the main agent and curing agent according to the proportion and stir evenly. Glue can be applied by serrated scraper, roller, two-component machine. During the curing process, it is necessary to make the contact surface have a certain pressure, so as to ensure that the glue is in close contact with the two layers. Contact Supex Technical Service for more information.

Cleaning: Uncured glue can be removed by Supex cleaner, cured adhesive needs to be removed by mechanical scrapping.

Packing: 25 kg/barrel; 200kg/drum;1500 kg/ IBC. 


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